Mission Psyche
Orbit A: Characterization

56 Days (41 Orbits)

Orbit B: Topography

80 Days (169 Orbits)

Orbit C: Gravity Science

100 Days (362 Orbits)

Orbit D: Elemental Mapping

100 Days (684 Orbits)

Orbit Details

orbit A

56 days / 41 Orbits

Mission Focus: Characterization

Observe physical properties of the asteroid

Instruments Used:
Psyche Multispectral Imager

How It Will Be Used:

To Provide high-resolution images using filters to discriminate between Psyche’s metallic and silicate constituents

Where You Can Find It On The Craft:

consists of a pair of identical cameras designed to acquire geologic, compositional, and topographic data. Located at the front of the craft

orbit B

80 days / 169 orbits

Mission Focus: Topography

Study the forms and features of land surfaces

Instruments Used:
Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer

How It Will Be Used:

Detect, Measure, and Map Psyche’s Elemental Composition

Where You Can Find It On The Craft:

orbit C

100 days / 362 orbits

Mission Focus: Gravity science

Study the strength of the gravitational field of the asteroid

Instruments Used:
Psyche Magnetometer

How It Will Be Used:

Detect and Measure the Remanent Magnetic Field of the Asteroid

Where You Can Find It On The Craft:

Composed of two identical high-sensitivity magnetic field sensors located at the middle and outer end of a 6-foot (2-meter) boom

orbit D

100 days / 684 orbits

Mission Focus: Elemental Mapping

Determine the chemical composition of the surface

Instruments Used:

Deep Space Optical Communication

How It Will Be Used:

Sophisticated new laser communication technology that will encodes data in photons (rather than radio waves) to communicate between a probe in deep space and Earth.

Using light instead of radio allows the spacecraft to communicate more data in a given amount of time.